Missa Canibus (mass of the dogs)

Jack The Dog

Missa Canibus (mass of the dog...

Jack The Dog

July 18, 1999
Uvulittle Records

CD, Mp3 download

"Much of it features spaced out operations of vibraphone, piano, and organ. There is also a series of short recitations and the use of what sounds like taped material. A remarkable track such as "Responsorial," a duet for vibraphone and acoustic piano, creates a really wonderful mood." - All Music Guide

Avant liturgical music for the metadenominational church of the mind. Evokes Tom Waits and Harry Partch, and could very well serve to unite pagans and the orthodox.

Missa Canibus uses the traditional form of the Catholic mass, but departs radically into John Cage-inspired chance techniques and draws heavily on the experiences and tecniques of Jack the Dog members, Jeff Kowalkowsi (keyboards) and Carrie Biolo (vibes).

[ Jeff Kowalkowsi ] [ Carrie Biolo ] [ Beau O'Reilly ]
1 Amibience - Bells - Organ Prelude 8:22
2 Kyrie 3:12
3 Gloria 6:53
4 First Reading 0:46
5 Verbum 1 1:35
6 Responsorial 2:58
7 Second Reading 0:21
8 Verbum 2 1:03
9 Alleluia 0:34
10 Gospel/Homily 9:19
11 Verbum 3 1:54
12 Credo 7:55
13 Sanctus 1:56
14 Osanna :37
15 Commemoration of the Dead 4:44
16 Pater Noster/Angus Dei 2:04
17 Communion Song 1:04
18 Closing - Amen 2:04