
modern dance rules... New Video!

Barry Bennett - Mailing List

hi beautiful.

happy to share newest collaboration with choreographer/filmaker Mary Sue Reese!


this human.  she really taps into something and i'm so honored that she finds my music helpful in realizing her vision.

like the cat in the poster says...hang in there.
we create our own culture.

you can find pandemic videos and all The Shut-In Sides here:
https://barrybennettsounds.com... [read more]

Side 11! A new dance!

Barry Bennett - Mailing List

Hi There!!

Recorded 5/11/20

ambient ala BBS...

during covid times, i've been mixing more ambient stuff into my listening time lately.
reminder of music's ability to transport. settle in for shared energy...
i love the attack of an electric piano. it's inspiring to me.
here's me, a rhodes mark v, a boss rv3, and a little time on my hands.
... [read more]

Side 10! may the fourth be with you and your droids...

Barry Bennett - Mailing List

hiya beautiful...
we've reached the double digit milestone...
the coveted tenth side to The Shut-In Sides!


thinking about machines and consciousness and the nature of sentience on this one. maybe its all the star wars i've taken in with my daughter-- we are taking in the skywalker saga leading up to a conclusion on may 4th. :)
when the machines start... [read more]

a goat died for this...The Shut-In Sides Side 9 drops NOW

Barry Bennett - Mailing List

Hiya Beautiful...
you hanging in? me too!
ready or not, Side 9 of our ongoing The Shut-In Sides is now ready for your use...


i guess you would call this the dance class edition, because i found myself really missing being in the dance studio with those humans training to create beauty out of thin air and being nothing short of inspiring in the process.
i've been... [read more]

The Shut-In Sides. Side 8. here.

Barry Bennett - Mailing List

Hi Beautiful!
everyone doing ok? 
i watched a little too much news (maybe you can see that from the cover painting) and was compelled to smack my drums really hard..
welcome to side 8!!!


on the micro level, we are really doing some living, here.
we broke out an easel.  we shredded some documents.
just like these sides in the Shut-In Sides project, just... [read more]

the shut-in sides. lucky #7 is here!

Barry Bennett - Mailing List

Lucky Side 7 is here!
lucky, because this shut-in ritual has been very beneficial to my spirit and from the feedback i've been getting...some of you guys too.
plus... aside from new music, #7 is the first cover that i've painted!
my daughter and i were messing around with some old kiddie paint she had lying around. i'll try to keep this up while the paint lasts and i'll try... [read more]

side 6! it's (a)live! #theshutinsides

Barry Bennett - Mailing List

greetings hUmaNs...

Side 6 marks the completion of a third double album of material released since March 18th. 
This project has been a great source of finding positive headspace while the world resets itself. 
it's my intention that these records give you a little of that headspace.  yes, i call them records, especially these since they really are a document of a specific moment in time and space.
there is good energy to be shared and it heartens me to see all the different ways folks are doing it these days.... [read more]

Music in the time of COVID

Stephanie Rearick - Blog

Hello all

I hope you're faring well.

I just thought to write an update on my musical life, because I'm thinking about it.

You may or may not know that I got discouraged about playing solo for a couple years, and effectively quit doing that. Since I didn't play a ton to begin with, and part of my discouragement was in the fact that people often didn't seem to notice when I WAS playing, my little sadsacky hiatus kinda stayed under the radar.

Well, I'm glad to report I finally got over myself and decided to start... [read more]