Uvu News

New Music, New Video, And, a Deal!

Hello Music Lovers,

We've got a few things cooking over here at Uvulittle HQ...

1) Beau O'Reilly's new CD, "Thrifty"
2) Ladyscissors' new Video, "Ascending Like Flies"
3) Maestro Subgum and the Whole Box Set Coupon Deal


1) Beau O'Reilly's new CD, "Thrifty"

We are really excited about this one! Beau O'Reilly (Maestro Subgum and the Whole) teamed up with a slew of songwriters to create this lovely collection of songs. Recorded "with distance" during Covid, it breathes and crackles with creativity.

Songwriters include: Jenny Magnus, Vernon Tongues, Jeff Kowakowlski, John Shaw, T-Roy Martin, Miki Greenberg, Stephanie Rearick, Sam Clapp, Dez Desormeaux, Heather Riordan, Julian Berke, Chris Schoen, Julie Williams. Miles Sennet. Court Dorsey

Beau says, "“I needed some intrigue. I challenged myself to make something new during the weird year that was 2020. I enjoy writing songs with different people, and felt interested in what would happen if I had to keep the instrumentation spare. I sent lyrics out to friends, they sent back demos, and most of it was recorded with no rehearsal. I accepted the keys and tempos my collaborators offered, though I enjoyed figuring in little musical touches and additional players throughout. Some things were hard to get right; I sang and Ralph Loza edited in bits and pieces over several months. Some things just rolled out like cake in single takes. I live within walking distance of the studio, and despite some COVID cancellations, the project moved along at a steady pace. Ralph was very open, very easy to record with. There’s a bucket of things we tried and didn’t use — some whole songs got considered and set aside. Perhaps we will hear them later… This is an evening of music: Two sets and two encores. If you are reading this, listen one set at a time. It's like a side B and a side A, in LP terms, with those juicy encores for dessert. I would love to hear how it strikes you. I mostly think we can always do something. I had fun.”


2) Ladyscissors' new Video, "Ascending Like Flies"

Check out Ladyscissors' new video!


3) Maestro Subgum and the Whole Box Set Coupon Deal

$50 off Maestro Subgum and the Whole Box Set -- 9 CDs!

While supplies last!

Use coupon code: Maestro-Box-50


Thanks for reading!

Jon Hain
Uvulittle Records

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