
Side 5 is a reality...now!

Barry Bennett - Mailing List

hello again my pretties...

Side 5 drops today. ya know, now that I've reached the mini milestone of 5 sides (the first quarter of double LP #2!), the reality sets in that I'm really going to do this thing. no matter the circumstance, we can keep evolving...creating...loving...being. aspects of life stops, but life doesn't stop. vocations change and the human remains.
anyhoo. I hope you are getting something out of our little project together. if a tree falls in the woods and all that jazz.

I'll at least have a... [read more]

happy birthday to me! Side 4 drops...NOW

Barry Bennett - Mailing List


The subject line is correct. today happens to be my birthday. I'm celebrating by tossing Side 4 of our ongoing Shut-In Sides project out of the nest and into the universe.
help me celebrate by strapping on the headphones, following the link, and enjoying this and all the previous sides in the series. pandemic unemployment has its benefits. reminder, all these sides can be free to download or if you feel like naming a price at checkout...THANK YOU!

... [read more]

one, two, THREE! Side 3 of The Shut-In Sides drops.

Barry Bennett - Mailing List

hello beautiful friends...

I was feeling a little anxious and sad last night...
then I went into the basement for a few hours and emerged with this - Side 3 of our Shut-In Sides project!
guess what? I felt better. maybe you'll have some feelings too...


about Side 3:
These 3 tracks are actually in big track that flows together seamlessly. cut into three parts... [read more]

Shut-In Sides SIDE 2 dropping now

Barry Bennett - Mailing List

hey kids!

still human? me too!!

just I note to let you know Side 2 of the ongoing Shut-In Project has just hit the virtual streets!
wow. you sure can get a lot done when shuttered in place :)

click here for Side 2:


I guess thats it. talk to you in a few days...

oh yeah, I love you.


you'll be a different stronger kind of human when... [read more]

music for your self distancing needs

Barry Bennett - Mailing List

hello beautiful...

Pandemic got you down?
Faced with an abundance of time on my hands and locked in a house with music equipment, i decided to do a little project to stay sane and productive…
presenting The Shut-In Sides!
derived from solo improvisation, each release is a long form exercise approx the length of a vinyl album side.
Rules? While each release has no limits on the number of improvised passes allowed once a chunk of music has been selected to mix, all tracking must take place in a single day.... [read more]

Stephanie Solo this Sunday at 5pm! Grand piano at Cafe CODA

Stephanie Rearick - Mailing List


I’m so pleased to announce I’ll be opening this show on Sunday March 8, 5pm. Nice and early! and I’m playing the most beautiful piano, for a 45-minute set. In a fantastic lineup, lovely venue, benefiting local treasure WORT. Hope you can make it! You'll definitely hear stuff you haven't heard in a long, long, time, and I'm very much looking forward to it.

Chad Anderson’s
Mutual Musical
Love & Respect for community sponsored radio in Madison
End of the
Pledge Drive Extravaganza... [read more]

2/28! Winter Weirdness Dance Party!!! Planet Claire and GJP!!!

Barry Bennett - Mailing List

Hello Beautiful.
we know. it's tough. we got what you need.
a party.
and it ain't a party unless YOU are there....

Our pals at LEFT OF CENTER MUSIC and have put together something a little different for the mighty GJP… a DANCE PARTY! Who says you can’t make art and have fun!?!?!

Left Of Center Music Winter Weirdness Dance Party 2020!
FRIDAY FEB 28TH ** 9pm show
OUTTASPACE 6840 32nd St. Berwyn, BabY!!

Start the night the night off by feeding your head with the psychedelic space prog... [read more]

Stephanie Rearick solo at Rock n Roll Supper Club Sun. 2/23 - early show!

Stephanie Rearick - Mailing List


I’m pleased to announce I’ll be playing solo EARLY (5:30pm!) at
Sean Michael Dargan’s Rock n Roll Supper Club

Sunday Feb. 23, 5:30-9:30pm
Doors are at 5:30, when I’ll start 1/2 hour piano-oriented set. Come for stuff you might not have heard in a long time, stuff that’s best on a piano.

Show at 6:30, during which I’ll do one song in set one, one in set 2, and will be interviewed. A proper show! Fun!... [read more]