Uvu News

The Human Show ep. 3: Ascending Like Flies - Ladyscissors Video Release!

Hello all

Happy Spring!

I'll be hosting my 3rd ever monthly livestream from Cafe CODA, also with a small, masked, physically-distanced in-person audience. And you are invited!

The Human Show episode #3: Ascending Like Flies
Thur. April 8, 7-8pm CDT.

This show celebrates the release of the music video for Ladyscissors song Ascending Like Flies. I'll interview a couple stars of the video, have some show their talents, share a bit about lyrics and thinking behind the video, and a couple other interviews relevant to the theme of the video. Laid back and fun. I'll also take questions and thoughts from the livestream chat and from the live audience.

If you were in the video, please come and wear your Ladyscissors gear, if that sounds fun. We'll likely do a version of the dance at some point, if you want to join :)

anyway, it should be a good time. At Cafe CODA 1224 Williamson St. and on livestream, from the http://cafecoda.club website or the facebook event https://www.facebook.com/events/858561104707554.

This show is the 2nd Thursday each month. May's theme is Home Springs Eternal, and future themes are shaping up. Your suggestions are welcome too!

take care,

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