
Side 14. your basic ritual...

Barry Bennett - Mailing List

hello beautiful...

Side 14.

my version of sitting and strumming.
you know, like that guy at the party or you see a person off by themselves on a hillside.
in my case that backpack guitar is a piano and a djembe... in this case, a rhodes mark V.
 THIS is my basic ritual.
full dance class mode.
the seeds to all the other stuff i do.
rhodes and... [read more]

Lucky 13 is here

Barry Bennett - Mailing List

hello lucky.

Lucky 13 is here!

Luck is an interesting concept. is it something that you make or something that happens to you? is it a recipe for helping us make sense of the universe's randomness somewhere between mysticism and religion?
my father-in-law, Graham, was really into numerology. he would have suggested that i skip 13 in this series. well, i'm taking 13 back... [read more]

BB invites you to 16th Street fundraiser

Barry Bennett - Mailing List

hello beautiful...

a break from our regular programming today.
as you all know, i am a sound designer / composer for the theatre.
my theatrical artistic home is 16th Street Theater.
many of you on this list are patrons of 16th Street so i know its important to you.
i can't imagine a world without 16th Street and the stories we tell, the way we tell them, and the amazing people i get to help tell them with and to.

with your help, we won't have to imagine that place.

THIS SATURDAY 6/27 IS 16TH... [read more]

Side 12 is here.

Barry Bennett - Mailing List


The Shut-In Sides continue.

Side 12 is here.

ecorded june 8th and 9th 2020

call this the watching and learning edition.
definitely inspired by my small amount of marching and a lot of looking out the window of the van as i deliver CSA produce during this time of "fed up with the status quo", curfews, and maybe some real change this time.
... [read more]

Mother Fool's 25th bday party tomorrow plus more music through June

Stephanie Rearick - Blog

Mother Fool's 25th bday party tomorrow plus more music through June

Stephanie Rearick's SavantMail
Fri, Jun 5, 2020

Yes, it’s a weird time to celebrate, yet there’s also much to celebrate in the solidarity being embodied around the world for defending black lives. And we think it’s really important to have fun, enjoy and make art, and be together. Well, kinda together - mostly on zoom (wah wah)

NOTE: if you received an earlier version of this email it’s likely it had the wrong zoom link. This one should be correct... [read more]

Mother Fool's 25th bday party tomorrow plus more music through June

Stephanie Rearick - Mailing List

Yes, it’s a weird time to celebrate, yet there’s also much to celebrate in the solidarity being embodied around the world for defending black lives. And we think it’s really important to have fun, enjoy and make art, and be together. Well, kinda together - mostly on zoom (wah wah)

NOTE: if you received an earlier version of this email it’s likely it had the wrong zoom link. This one should be correct, and it’s also found here if you need more instructions:... [read more]

A Variety of Shows and Parties coming soon...

Stephanie Rearick - Blog

But before that, it would be remiss not to acknowledge this is coming in the
midst of terrible suffering and horror, and I wish for each of you that
you’re staying safe, healthy, and doing everything you’re able to bring
peace and health upon this world, for everyone

and now for something completely different….

Sunday May 31st, 12noon CDT/6pmUK on Zoom!
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84747802464 [1]

Timebank/HUMANs... [read more]

A Variety of Shows and Parties Coming Up...

Stephanie Rearick - Mailing List

But before that, it would be remiss not to acknowledge this is coming in the midst of terrible suffering and horror, and I wish for each of you that you’re staying safe, healthy, and doing everything you’re able to bring peace and health upon this world, for everyone

and now for something completely different….

Sunday May 31st, 12noon CDT/6pmUK on Zoom! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84747802464

Timebank/HUMANs International Quiz Show/Trivia Night!!! Our first was so much... [read more]