Uvu News

Ritt and Wilder Deitz 9/17 show now outdoors

NOTE: This show was originally planned to be indoors but has been moved to another Madison-area (WI) location.

Ritt and Wilder Deitz house concert is now outdoors and lakeside, in a private spacious backyard. 5612 Lake Mendota Drive (Madison, WI 53705)

Yard opens 6:30pm. Show starts at 7pm. House is lakeside--walk around right side of garage and house into backyard overlooking lake.

Tickets $20 advance / $25 cash or check day of show (unless sold out). No refunds unless show is cancelled. Advance tickets from Eventbrite guarantee you a spot.

Some seating provided, but it is best to bring your own camp chair. That way you are guaranteed a seat!

Ticketed guests may bring something to drink (BYOB), but no food please.

Host recommends guests be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. If not, or if they are more comfortable doing so anyway, guests should wear a mask during this outdoor show. Purchasing your ticket acknowledges you understand the "house" message on vaccination. Please do not attend if you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms.

TICKETS: https://rittwilderdeitzmadison17sept21.eventbrite.com

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