Uvu News

The Shut-In Sides. Side 8. here.

Hi Beautiful!
everyone doing ok?
i watched a little too much news (maybe you can see that from the cover painting) and was compelled to smack my drums really hard..
welcome to side 8!!!


on the micro level, we are really doing some living, here.
we broke out an easel. we shredded some documents.
just like these sides in the Shut-In Sides project, just tracking one day at a time.

i was going to try to type something all philosophical here.
i was going to try to express my appreciation for humans and all their quirks here.
i was going to try to express my concern for maniacs running amok here.
i was going to try to express acknowledgement that the maniacs are human, too...here.

instead, here is 20 min of sounds for YOU my human. do with it what you will...

remember. you can find ALL 8 of the sides so far, here.
and here.

U R in my heart...
right. here.

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