Uvu News

Side 20 arrives to your ears

popping a can of Batsquatch hazy to celebrate...
The Shut-In Sides turns 20 sides old!

click here to flip it on:

bittersweet celebration.
This little audio journal project began as a way get through a few weeks of lock down, and now we are three weeks away from the one year anniversary of Side One's release.

20 sides. 500,000 dead. a changing of the guard. systems challenged.

it's not vain. being human is worth it.

anyhoo. enjoy the next 20 minutes or so.
you make it all happen...


about the tracks:

a couple of big sprawling sketches this time.

glass machine so named for the synthetic mechanized rhythmic nature of the tune, machines and for our old pal Phillip Glass.

Vista Glider so named that familiar inner space trip. you know the one. a bonfire with figures in ceremony dancing in circles silhouetted against the vista. one by one their feet lift and they glide toward the horizon...
oh yeah. i also had a desire to make some big distorted amp tone.
i also followed one of Eno's most famous of oblique strategies: cut the most important element.

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