Uvu News

one, two, THREE! Side 3 of The Shut-In Sides drops.

hello beautiful friends...

I was feeling a little anxious and sad last night...
then I went into the basement for a few hours and emerged with this - Side 3 of our Shut-In Sides project!
guess what? I felt better. maybe you'll have some feelings too...


about Side 3:
These 3 tracks are actually in big track that flows together seamlessly. cut into three parts here for listener choice. my dear friend and old MiLkBabY bandmate DavidlY was a big on playing with the order of tracks, so have a ball. the drum patch tones you hear on tracks 2&3 were programmed on a visit from Berlinin 2006 by and named for said human. i always think of him when i play that kit. dedicated to DavidlY...

remember. nothing can take away what is fundamentally YOU.

thanks for the humanity...


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