Uvu News

music for your self distancing needs

hello beautiful...

Pandemic got you down?
Faced with an abundance of time on my hands and locked in a house with music equipment, i decided to do a little project to stay sane and productive...
presenting The Shut-In Sides!
derived from solo improvisation, each release is a long form exercise approx the length of a vinyl album side.
Rules? While each release has no limits on the number of improvised passes allowed once a chunk of music has been selected to mix, all tracking must take place in a single day.
Hopefully these recordings provide some 20 min spurts of vacation from these strange historic times.
they can be free to download...
though,if compelled, you are more than welcome to pay any amount you wish at checkout.
i, like everyone else in the music industry, have found themselves suddenly unemployed...
that being said, if inclined and able, THANK YOU...
but no pressure! we have to create our own culture and i'm trying to participate in our greater good.
strap on those headphones and enjoy!

Click here to get started:


stay safe and stay human.
much love....


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