Uvu News

Hello, This is your regular update on my shows. Quite a few coming up in the next months... This Saturday, and into the future… Saturday 3.23.24 3-4:30pm at Cafe CODA 1224 Williamson St. The Human Show ep. 27: Beating a Dead House Justice Castaneda t


This is your regular update on my shows. Quite a few coming up in the next months...

This Saturday, and into the future...

Saturday 3.23.24 3-4:30pm at Cafe CODA 1224 Williamson St.
The Human Show ep. 27: Beating a Dead House

It's sort of the golden birthday of the Human Show, being episode 27 on 4.27, and we're in our 4th year too. Celebrate this odd individualized holiday with me :)

Justice Castaneda talks about housing, the city's housing strategy committee, and surrounding issues. Saul Glazer is the musical guest on guitar and vocals. I'll debut my new song.

FREE event! Donations are welcomed. Hope you can make it. Live and streamed but live is better. Check the Cafe CODA youtube page for streaming info that day.

This show happens every 4th Saturday at Cafe CODA, get in touch if you'd like to be or suggest a guest!


Friday May 18, 8:30pm Gallery Cabaret in Chicago
I'll speak at the Money Reform rally that afternoon, then I'll play a 3 song cameo at the show of my dear friend Barry Bennett and his awesome music project Grape Juice Plus!


Fri. 6.14.24, 4-6pm UW Memorial Union Terrace
I play another Behind the Beat set! 2 hours in the sunshine on the lake. Looking forward to it....


Fri. 7.12.24 8pm OuttaSpace in Chicago
I'll play a whole solo set opening for Barry and Anne's band Mrs. Smith and the Present. Very exciting! They're great and this will be my first time seeing them live.

Mon. 7.17.24 Outdoor show at Madison Tap! Stay tuned for more info...

Thanks for reading!

Hope to see you soon,

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