Uvu News

GJP Thursday at Reggies'! BBS FRI in Madison!

Hey Beautiful People!

i miss you. Wanna hang out?

need some tribal ambient space punk improvisations opening for Milwaukee's premiere Zappa tribute?
see you Thursday June 29th at Reggie's Music Joint - 2105 S State - Chicago.
Grape Juice Plus hits at 8pm and is pleased as punch to warm the room once again for Gozortenplat, THE Zappa tribute from Milwaukee!come out! music is the best!

On Friday June 30th BarryBennettSounds has been invited to play a short set in Madsion, WI at the Love Fractals art opening and party at the Social Justice Center - 1202 Williamson.
The event is from 4-8pm Hosted by 608 Arts, co-hosted by The Madison MAN (Mutual Aid Network) Cooperative.
The Fantastic Stephanie Rearick will host a Dream Time workshop on behalf of the Madison MAN Coop from 4-5, followed by a night filled with music with Stephanie Rearick, BarryBennettSounds, and others.
stoked to play in such a cool event on my way to some R&R in the woods!

I am grateful for you making these nice things happen.
sometimes the earth is A OK.....

Space Ape Barry

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