
Human Show tomorrow! Plus more Stephanie Rearick solo shows in June and July

Stephanie Rearick - Mailing List

Hello all,

I've added an exciting new show (skip to the bottom to find out) and I'm also writing to remind you about TOMORROW's interview/variety show at Cafe Coda. I'll just play 2 little music sets to bookend a longer-than-usual very fascinating interview about China. Bring your own questions to ask from the audience!

Sat. June 4, 3pm at Cafe CODA 1224 Williamson St. The Human Show ep. 13: The T in China
my monthly interview/variety show at Cafe CODA has changed days and times - we're now doing it the... [read more]

Courtyard Concert FRIDAY 5/27 (rain date!)

Stephanie Rearick - Blog

Hello all

It's supposed to rain all day today and clear up to be nice, sunny, and warm for tomorrow evening, when I hope to see you at

7pm paper antler Courtyard Session 4222 Yuma Dr. Madison - Outdoor House Concert! Please come out for this, it's the big full show I've been wanting to play. Outdoors, at a new venue for arts and shows. Perfect setting!

$10 suggested donation, BYOB.

And then you can still go out afterward if you want to. :)

Hope you can make it.

Stephanie Rearick Courtyard Concert FRIDAY 5/27 (rain date!) 7pm

Stephanie Rearick - Mailing List

Hello all

It's supposed to rain all day today and clear up to be nice, sunny, and warm for tomorrow evening, when I hope to see you at

7pm paper antler Courtyard Session 4222 Yuma Dr. Madison - Outdoor House Concert! Please come out for this, it's the big full show I've been wanting to play. Outdoors, at a new venue for arts and shows. Perfect setting!

$10 suggested donation, BYOB.

And then you can still go out afterward if you want to. :)

Hope you can make it.

Courtyard Concert THURSDAY 5/26 (new date!) + more shows info

Stephanie Rearick - Mailing List

Hello friends,

sorry if you received a subject-only email, we had a tech diff.

Here is an updated schedule of my upcoming solo shows. They will be very different from each other, in case you want to check out more than one. Progressing from a junior rig with casio, loops, vocals, and trumpet, to adding electric piano for the house concert, to a piano-based show at Make Music Madison.

Sat. May 21, 2-11pm at OM Tiny Houses 1901 Aberg - Sharefest! I'll play a set sometime between 6:30-8pm during the... [read more]

Courtyard Concert THURSDAY 5/26 (new date!) + more shows info

Stephanie Rearick - Blog

Hello friends,

Here is an updated schedule of my upcoming solo shows. They will be very different from each other, in case you want to check out more than one. Progressing from a junior rig with casio, loops, vocals, and trumpet, to adding electric piano for the house concert, to a piano-based show at Make Music Madison.

Sat. May 21, 2-11pm at OM Tiny Houses 1901 Aberg - Sharefest! I'll play a set sometime between 6:30-8pm during the free dinner, during this daylong extravaganza of skillshares, food, music,... [read more]

Courtyard Concert THURSDAY 5/26 (new date!) + more shows info

Stephanie Rearick - Mailing List

Hello friends,

Here is an updated schedule of my upcoming solo shows. They will be very different from each other, in case you want to check out more than one. Progressing from a junior rig with casio, loops, vocals, and trumpet, to adding electric piano for the house concert, to a piano-based show at Make Music Madison.

Sat. May 21, 2-11pm at OM Tiny Houses 1901 Aberg - Sharefest! I'll play a set sometime between 6:30-8pm during the free dinner, during this daylong extravaganza of skillshares, food, music... [read more]

Stephanie Rearick shows for May and June 2022

Stephanie Rearick - Mailing List


I'm pleased to report that after a long dry spell, I'm about to play a bunch of shows. They'll be quite different from one another so feel free to collect all 5!

This Wednesday, May 18, 6-8pm Outside at Garver Feed Mill! 3241 Garver Green Madison - I'm really excited to play 3 songs as part of a shared show in a weekly showcase of the awesome Def Sonic.

Sat. May 21, 2-11pm at OM Tiny Houses 1901 Aberg - Sharefest! I'll play a set from 6-7pm during the free dinner, during this... [read more]

Stephanie Rearick shows for May and June 2022

Stephanie Rearick - Blog


I'm pleased to report that after a long dry spell, I'm about to play a bunch of shows. They'll be quite different from one another so feel free to collect all 5!

This Wednesday, May 18, 6-8pm Outside at Garver Feed Mill! 3241 Garver Green Madison - I'm really excited to play 3 songs as part of a shared show in a weekly showcase of the awesome Def Sonic.

Sat. May 21, 2-11pm at OM Tiny Houses 1901 Aberg - Sharefest! I'll play a set from 6-7pm during the free dinner, during this... [read more]