
Shows coming up 6/21, 6/24, 6/30, and 7/7

Stephanie Rearick - Mailing List


I hope you can make it to one of my upcoming solo shows. 
Note that I’ve added one and changed the start time for another.

Wed. June 21, 12:45 - 1:15 Talbot Gallery 2118 Atwood Ave.
Make Music Madison 
I’ll play a short solo set, outside if it’s nice but we’re on rain or shine! 

Sat. June 24 3-4:30pm Cafe CODA  1224 Williamson and live-streamed from cafecoda.club (check their fb page for the link)
The Human Show ep. 19: Home is Where… 
Featuring Ashley Hudson and Michele Ball in... [read more]

2 shows coming up! Human Show sat 5/27, 3pm + UW Terrace Fri 6/2, 4-6pm

Stephanie Rearick - Blog

Hello friends!

I have 2 shows coming up, both in the afternoon, as it happens...

Sat May 27, 3-4:30pm - at Cafe CODA 1224 Williamson St., and live-streamed from http://cafecoda.club - better if you’re there though :)

The Human Show ep. 18: What do May flowers bring?

Huan-Hua Chye is the featured guest on both interview and music, and we’ll chat on the topic of global migration, including our own families’ migration stories. We’ll be treated to some of Huan-Hua’s fantastic... [read more]

2 shows coming up! Human Show sat 5/27, 3pm + UW Terrace Fri 6/2, 4-6pm

Stephanie Rearick - Mailing List

Hello friends!

I have 2 shows coming up, both in the afternoon, as it happens...

Sat May 27, 3-4:30pm - at Cafe CODA 1224 Williamson St., and live-streamed from http://cafecoda.club - better if you’re there though :)

The Human Show ep. 18: What do May flowers bring?

Huan-Hua Chye is the featured guest on both interview and music, and we’ll chat on the topic of global migration, including our own families’ migration stories. We’ll be treated to some of Huan-Hua’s fantastic... [read more]

Set List Time Machine

Stephanie Rearick - Blog

I don't do this often, but I'm going to write a blog about a set list I played and what it means to me now.

I recently came across my set list for my last show pre-covid lockdown etc etc - Feb. 23, 2020 at Sean Michael Dargan's Rock n Roll Supper Club. A beautiful, complex production that was just getting off the ground and about to be aborted, like everything else.

Like a lot of my music, this set has ended up feeling really prescient. I had no idea things would unfold in the extreme ways they did, and continue to.

... [read more]

Sat. 4.22.23 3pmCDT at Cafe CODA and live-streamed - The Human Show ep. 17: Hope Springs Eternal

Stephanie Rearick - Mailing List

Please join me this Saturday for my monthly interview/variety show —

The Human Show ep. 17: Hope Springs Eternal. Feat. 3 generations of Vedders and 2 musical guests!
Sat April 22, 3-4:30pm CDT at Cafe CODA 1224 Williamson St. Madison WI and livestreamed from http://cafecoda.club

Barbara Vedder shares her hopes for the future, including but not limited to her recent 2nd Act on Madison’s City Council. Echnaton shares about some innovations toward a care network. And Micah is one of 2... [read more]

POSTPONED! Stephanie Rearick hosts The Human Show ep. 17 Now Saturday 4.22, 3pm CDT at Cafe CODA!

Stephanie Rearick - Blog

It snowed too much here for us to do this show today so we're moving the whole shebang to next month! Sat April 22, 3pm

The Human Show ep. 17: Hope Springs Eternal. Feat. 3 generations of Vedders and 2 musical guests!
Moved to Sat April, 3-4:30pm at Cafe CODA 1224 Williamson St. Madison WI and livestreamed from http://cafecoda.club

Barbara Vedder shares her hopes for the future, including but not limited to her recent 2nd Act on Madison’s City Council. Echnaton shares about some... [read more]

Stephanie Rearick hosts The Human Show ep. 17 Saturday 3.25, 3pm CDT at Cafe CODA!

Stephanie Rearick - Mailing List

Please join me this Saturday for

The Human Show ep. 17: Hope Springs Eternal. Feat. 3 generations of Vedders and 2 musical guests!
Sat March 25, 3-4:30pm at Cafe CODA 1224 Williamson St. Madison WI and livestreamed from http://cafecoda.club

Barbara Vedder shares her hopes for the future, including but not limited to her recent 2nd Act on Madison’s City Council. Echnaton shares about some innovations toward a care network. And Micah is one of 2 musical guests. showing his amazing drum... [read more]

Show details for 3 upcoming Rearick shows - incl livestream this Sat

Stephanie Rearick - Mailing List

Hello all,

I’m writing with details about 3 upcoming shows that I’d love for you to come to (the one this Saturday is live streamed from cafecoda.club - for those of you far away. Also - Beau friends and fans, I plan to play his/our song in my last set of music, between 4-4:30CST).

Saturday Feb 25, 3pm (CST) The Human Show ep. 16: Crimethink Inc. or...
The Political is Personal

Featuring interview guests John Nichols on the state of
political discourse and organizing, and Sharon Irwin on her petition to... [read more]