Uvu News

Today at 4! UW Rathskeller, + more


Just a little reminder that THIS AFTERNOON I'm playing at the Rathskeller, for 2 hours! Free, fun, and I'm looking forward to the echo of the room being an additional instrument.

Friday November 3, 4-6pm: Stephanie Rearick at UW Union Memorial Rathskeller for Behind the Beat
Once again I get to play solo for 2 full hours, for a free show at Madison's iconic memorial union. I'll make a set especially designed for the big echoey acoustics in the Rathskeller, so it'll be cool and different from other sets you'll hear this stretch. And we won't get rained out!!!

Saturday November 25, 3-4:30pm at Cafe CODA 1224 Williamson St. Madison WI
The Human Show ep. 24: Bridging the Gap
Feat. Interview guest Carmella Harris of Community Agencies Bridging the Gap

CODA shows are also live-streamed from https://www.facebook.com/CafeCodaMadison/ or https://www.youtube.com/@cafecoda5628/streams

Hope to see you soon.


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