Uvu News

The Human Show! Premieres Thur 2/11, 7-8pm. Interview/variety show hosted by Stephanie Rearick

Hello all

I'm pleased to announce I'm about to start hosting a monthly livestream show from Cafe CODA, called The Human Show. Debuts this Thursday, 2/11, 7-8pm CST and will be on the 2nd Thursday each month.

Each show will feature a (very) little music from me, interviews, a Brother on the Beat segment with Hanah Jon Taylor interviewing folks on the street, spotlights on cool people or projects around the world, and some other little morsels for your viewing/listening delight.

Our first show shares in Cafe CODA's celebration of Black History month and we'll talk with a couple Black Panthers and share some other special treats.

Hope to see you! Open for requests for future topics, music, other features. Please share the facebook event if you like, and in it you'll find the link to the show - https://www.facebook.com/events/266272401523834

Thanks and take care,

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