Uvu News

Stephanie Rearick shows for May and June 2022


I'm pleased to report that after a long dry spell, I'm about to play a bunch of shows. They'll be quite different from one another so feel free to collect all 5!

This Wednesday, May 18, 6-8pm Outside at Garver Feed Mill! 3241 Garver Green Madison - I'm really excited to play 3 songs as part of a shared show in a weekly showcase of the awesome Def Sonic.

Sat. May 21, 2-11pm at OM Tiny Houses 1901 Aberg - Sharefest! I'll play a set from 6-7pm during the free dinner, during this daylong extravaganza of skillshares, food, music, and fun. Come join us for the whole thing! There will be a swap too, so bring stuff you don't need and trade for stuff you want.

Tue. May 24, 7pm paper antler Courtyard Session - Outdoor House Concert! Please come out for this, it's the big full show I've been wanting to play. Outdoors, at a new venue for arts and shows. Perfect setting! $10 suggested donation

Sat. June 4, 3pm at Cafe CODA 1224 Williamson St. The Human Show ep. 13: The T in China
my monthly interview/variety show at Cafe CODA has changed days and times - we're now doing it the first Saturday each month at 3pm.
The theme commemorates the June 4 1989 protest and massacre in Tiananmen Square. I'm excited to welcome this month's guest Prof Emeritus Edward Friedman, scholar and author specializing in Chinese foreign policy. He'll be my only guest this month and we'll take questions from the audience since there's so much to learn and discuss on the topic. Bring your hard questions!

Tue. June 21 Make Music Madison - tent. 2-3pm Farley's House of Pianos stage on the patio of Metcalfe's market 726 N Midvale Blvd, Madison just outside the cafe. Tables and chair provided. Snacking encouraged. I'll play a total piano set. Some classical pieces by known composers, some of my own pieces, things that can only happen on a proper piano. This show will be totally different from the others.
and maybe I'll play elsewhere too, who knows?

Hope to see you!

Take care and happy Spring

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