Uvu News

SR solo, Negative Example, and Ladyscissors shows!!!

Hi all,

It's a spring full of music, just how I like it. Starting this Friday....

Fri. May 17, 8pm - Stephanie Rearick at Mother Fool's 1101 Williamson, Madison
Opening for Timbre Ghost

Timbre Ghost got rave reviews last time they played Mother Fool's so I'm happy to have the opportunity to open the show this time.
I'm playing my electric piano, and a lot of material I haven't played in awhile. Looking forward to it!

$6 cover

Fri. May 24, 8pm Negative Example at Art In 1444 E. Washington, Madison

Playing keys in Bucky Pope's band - "Negative Example has a singular sound inhabited by odd chord structures that are dissonant but warm and accessible at the same time. Rock veteran Bucky Pope, who cut his teeth in the early eighties hardcore scene with the Tar Babies, fronts the band and has a lot to say after wandering through the wilderness of his life for the past 25 years, which is when he last released a set of new music." - Wisconsin Public Television

w/ Solid Freex and Lunar Moth!

$7 sliding scale cover

Sat, June 1, 8pm - Ladyscissors at North Street Cabaret 610 North St,. Madison
2 sets! Fun venue. Ladyscissor party to kick off summer. Dance party!!!

$6 cover

June 15, 8pm Stephanie Rearick at Mother Fool's
opening for Grape Juice Plus! Barry Bennett of MiLkBabY, fantastic!! You'll definitely want to catch this, it's been years since Barry graced our stage with his primitive psychedelicism or whatever the kids are calling it these days...

$cover tbd

June 21 All day - SJC Jubilee!!! for Make Music Madison 10am-10pm at the Social Justice Center 1202 Williamson, Madison

*** Extra Jubilant Lineup***
10am - 10:45am: Gene Delacourt & the Malcolm Shabazz Fiddle Class
11-11:45am: Raine Stern
Noon - 12:30: Stephanie Rearick Jr.
12:45 - 1:15: Megan McCrumb
1:30 - 2:30: Hoot n Annie String Band
3:00 - 3:30: All Good Things
3:45 - 4:15: Miyha
4:30 - 5:00: 90sdreamboy
5:15 - 6pm: Ladyscissors
6:15 - 6:45: Glassmen
7:00 - 7:30: Tippy
7:45 - 8:15: Mr. Jackson
8:30 - 9:00: Labrador
9:00 - over: Red the Bully

and other fun stuff all day long!

Hope to see you this spring

Thanks for paying attention,

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