Uvu News

Side 19...first recordings of 2021

recorded jan 5-9 2021

Side 19 of our little cultural experiment.
breaking apart? coming together? shedding our skin...
we are all alive in this moment in time.
i don't need to report to you what we all see.
While our society evolves, we need to find ways to cultivate our own humanity to feed us the energy to feed collective humanity in its effort to forge a more empathic path for society. one that isn't on a fast track for collapse.
we can be outraged, but we also have to understand to find solutions.
so i get up in the morning, make breakfast and at some point flip the switches. at the end of the day maybe there is a personal artifact that helps paints the picture of where my humanity was at this point in time.
maybe a i get lucky and actually affect a person...
not just from doom scrolling.
anyhoo. off the box.
it is a joy of this shut in to make these sides.
see you next time we strap on the headphones....

About Tracks:

i finally got a handle on making my Roli really express like a sax, though in this case is a dudek patch that i farted around with. i call it danny because there is about 10 secs in the "sax" solo that reminded me of Donny McCaslin. i misremembered his name as danny when i named it and it stuck when is mixed.
sorry Donny!

(jazz nosferatu)
you know. jazz nosferatu. that weird club near the square that doesn't have a sign. stone. strange lighting makes the regulars eyes seem really intense and their fingers seem long. really great belgian beer. house band...
really this a single take improvisation that struck my fancy.
but it does remind of jazz nosferatu or at least the basement of Ein Horn

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