Uvu News

Mother Fool's 25th bday party tomorrow plus more music through June

Yes, it's a weird time to celebrate, yet there's also much to celebrate in the solidarity being embodied around the world for defending black lives. And we think it's really important to have fun, enjoy and make art, and be together. Well, kinda together - mostly on zoom (wah wah)

NOTE: if you received an earlier version of this email it's likely it had the wrong zoom link. This one should be correct, and it's also found here if you need more instructions: https://www.mutualaidnetwork.org/man-web-meeting-access-instructions/

So please join us...
all at this zoom link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/7433558070

Saturday June 6, 8pm CDT on Zoom! streaming live from Mother Fool's Coffeehouse 1101 Williamson St. Madison (up to 3 outdoor seats available, rsvp)
Mother Fool's 25th Birthday Party Variety Show Starring Stephanie and Jon!
25 years ago we bought Mother Fool's Coffeehouse from the late great Jean Lister - thank you Jean for your enormous gift to us and the enormous gift you gave to our neighborhood when you created Mother Fool's.

It's a weird time to celebrate our birthday, but we hope the fact that we'll be streaming will help you join from far and wide. Featuring musical guests, special interviews, a photo and video trip down memory lane, and more.

Thursday June 11, 4-8 - pick up music or panties at Mother Fool's (you can grab a coffee or espresso drink too!) Stephanie and Ladyscissors are among the Madison bands who will be selling rare merch at Mother Fool's to raise money for the Free the 350 Bail Fund

Saturday June 13, 8pm CDT on Zoom!
Stephanie Rearick w/ special guest Def || Sonic opening the show
Def || Sonic (formerly All Good Things) is one of my favorite local artists, cool songscapes with loops and deft instrumentation and vocals. Shows tend to be a visual treat as well. He'll stream live from Mother Fool's at 8, then I'll stream live from home - with my own piano and all my instruments (including loops, trumpet, casio), and special guest Bucky Pope (we play together in his band Negative Example, he was front man for the Tar Babies) on one thing, from a safely distant place. I'm also honored to be playing the premier of my version of a song I just set for Beau O'Reilly (Chicago, Crooked Mouth, former Maestro Subgum), wonderful lyrics he gave me to write for. Thank you Beau.

Needless to say (well I'm saying it anyway) this is a special show for me. I hope you can make it.


Sunday June 21 Make Music Madison
I have no idea what I or Ladyscissors might do this day but it's a celebration of music and we'll do something. watch for it


Friday June 26 + Saturday June 27 SJC Jubilee!
A weekend of music, decentralized partying, more quiz show fun, and much much more. To fund and celebrate our Social Justice Center, the home of our Mutual Aid Workspace (another Mutual Aid Network project, co-working and collaboration space, also in need of subsidies during this time so feel free to check this out too)

Here's looking forward to the days we can see each other in person again and meanwhile, hope to connect with you somehow...

Take care,

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