hello lucky.
Lucky 13 is here!
Luck is an interesting concept. is it something that you make or something that happens to you? is it a recipe for helping us make sense of the universe's randomness somewhere between mysticism and religion?
my father-in-law, Graham, was really into numerology. he would have suggested that i skip 13 in this series. well, i'm taking 13 back for the shut-in sides and proclaiming it Lucky. i'm saying that you are Lucky. not matter what the universe throws at you...you'll get through. Lucky 13.
i kept going back and forth on the order of these two tracks so i compromised. i kept original order, but i made track 2 the featured track.
maybe you'll tell me which way you like to listen to them.
track 1 is a classic filet. using very dense loop to play drums with then removing it. i'm lonely. lucky but lonely.
track 2 likes to pretend that my voice is horns and guitars. also, using hot headset mic with lots of delay while beating on drums can give you the fun cacophony you are looking for...
if you're lucky...
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