Uvu News

Ladyscissors show next Saturday 11/9 + December fun!!

Hello all,

I'm pleased to report that Ladyscissors is playing next week - and shooting a video a little later that we'd love to have you dance in (don't worry, you don't need to be a good dancer and you'd be one among many, easy to blend in if you want to :) The night of the video shoot we'll celebrate with a show!

Ladyscissors at the Wisco!
Saturday November 9, 8:30pm

Wisco, 852 Williamson, with great bands

lineup (times may shift a bit, come for the whole night!):
9:00 Histo
10:00 The Toy Trucks
11:00 Ladyscissors
12:00 The Flavor That Kills

And help us make a video!!! Bring your friends!

Saturday December 21, 12-3
Crucible 3116
Commercial Avenue
We want ~40 people (more is OK, invite freely) to dress like Ladyscissors - meaning black, white, red, and silver palette, jackets or vests, ties, button-up shirts. And do some dance moves that someone will lead you in. You're welcome to come up with and lead a move or two yourself if you like! The song is Ascending Like Flies and if you'd like to read the lyrics you can find them here: https://ladyscissors.com/lyrics.html#flies

This will be tons of fun and the bar will be OPEN! but save some energy for...

Saturday December 21, 8pm
Ladyscissors at the Crystal Corner Bar
1302 Williamson
with Gentle Brontosaurus and Able Baker
Party with us to celebrate our video shoot, the Solstice, the apocalypse, all of it

Hope to see you soon!

Lots of love,

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