Uvu News

Human Show tomorrow! Plus more Stephanie Rearick solo shows in June and July

Hello all,

I've added an exciting new show (skip to the bottom to find out) and I'm also writing to remind you about TOMORROW's interview/variety show at Cafe Coda. I'll just play 2 little music sets to bookend a longer-than-usual very fascinating interview about China. Bring your own questions to ask from the audience!

Sat. June 4, 3pm at Cafe CODA 1224 Williamson St. The Human Show ep. 13: The T in China
my monthly interview/variety show at Cafe CODA has changed days and times - we're now doing it the first Saturday each month at 3pm.
The theme commemorates the June 4 1989 protest and massacre in Tiananmen Square. I'm excited to welcome this month's guest Prof Emeritus Edward Friedman, scholar and author specializing in Chinese foreign policy. He'll be my only guest this month and we'll take questions from the audience since there's so much to learn and discuss on the topic. Bring your hard questions!

Tue. June 21 Make Music Madison - 2-3pm Farley's House of Pianos stage on the patio of Metcalfe's market 726 N Midvale Blvd, Madison just outside the cafe. Tables and chair provided. Snacking encouraged. I'll play a total piano set. Some classical pieces by known composers, some of my own pieces, things that can only happen on a proper piano. This show will be totally different from the others.
and maybe I'll play elsewhere too, who knows?

Friday July 1, 4-6 pm at UW Memorial Union Terrace! I play solo for the Behind the Beat series. Very exciting to play this iconic outdoor venue, and I'd love to have a lot of friends and supporters there to make it less freaky to be up there playing all by myself :) Plus it'll be FUN FUN FUN

followed closely by the next Human Show, Sat July 2 at 3pm at Cafe CODA. Human Show ep 14: Independence! guests tbd

Hope you can make it out for a show or 4...

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