Uvu News

happy holidays! A Covid Side

hello beautiful...

i bring you a fitting follow up to my 20 part shut-in sides series during lock down...A Covid Side!


yes kids, your friendly space ape hit the deck with Covid on Dec 19th.
Its breakthrough and luckily mild compared to what it could be.
anyhoo, on Dec 23rd the house was empty and i felt good enough to sneak down to the basement to improvise with the Nord 3p, the Roli, and my little rack of goodies...
after being locked in the attic for 5 days, it really lifted my spirit - and my heart rate according to my fit bit - to be in the basement for 90 mins.
in the spirit of the season i thought i'd share a little of what came through the old headphones with YOU...the folks who make sure my trees do not fall silently in the woods.

please be careful out there...
it won't be over until we are truly together.

hope you get some good feelings from these sounds.

happy holidays and as John & Yoko said in their xmas ditty--
war is over if you want it.


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