Uvu News

a goat died for this...The Shut-In Sides Side 9 drops NOW

Hiya Beautiful...
you hanging in? me too!
ready or not, Side 9 of our ongoing The Shut-In Sides is now ready for your use...


i guess you would call this the dance class edition, because i found myself really missing being in the dance studio with those humans training to create beauty out of thin air and being nothing short of inspiring in the process.
i've been accompanying dance classes for over 25 years and i can't tell you how much its informed me as an artist and a human. i didn't go to music school. dance accompaniment was my music school. if anyone out there admires my point of view as an artist, thank the profession of dance accompaniment.
so ...
here you have a nice mixed meter combo bit, a dreamy adagio, and a raucous djembe jam to get you across the floor.
dedicated to the all the dancers and teachers, but especially my steady eddies over the last several years -- Kristina Fluty, Zineb Chraibi, and Ethan Kirschbaum.
oh, and of course, Mindy Meyers who told me to try to be an accompanist all those years ago....

the goat head that famously (at least in my basement) died during the recording of track 3 of this side lives again -- as a painting that became the cover art for this record!

your life is yours. keep dancing...


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