recorded Nov 10-26 2020...SIDE 17 is HERE:
hello friends...
we're still HERE, but together we can get THERE...
it's been a minute since we've communicated this way.
music wise in the catacombs there have been lots of playing ritual going on, but i couldn't quite bear to hit record button until the election was settled.
SO,my beautiful friends, here are some thingys to help soundtrack the surge.
please stay safe. you make it all possible....
Side 17 pt. 1 (hands):
i have been super enjoying my djembe at my two post stage 4 pre surge dance classes, which led me to finally get my long sick korg wav drum fixed. Thanks Deltronics! anyhoo, here is some fruit off the improv tree that features a hybrid kit of Korg wav drum, handsonic, kick drum and hi hat. code name: hands
Side 17 pt. 2 (budgie):
i love Ginger Baker. i sat down to try to play like Ginger on this day, but it all came out like Budgie...which is fine, because ya know, Budgie is pretty neat. actually the whole track has a little bit of a Creatures vibe which i'm totally ok with. sometimes, in the basement and in life, your original goal becomes less important than the making... code name: budgie
Side 17 pt. 3 (thanksgiving)
what do you do while your little 5lb bird is in the oven?
code name: thanksgiving Mailing List |