Holy Bones

Mary Bue

Holy Bones

Mary Bue

March 3, 2015
Self Released

CD, Mp3 download

Holy Bones is an indie-pop, musical commentary regarding a frazzled & hungry society. Written primarily on electric guitar with thick bass & rock 'n roll drums, her new sound is fresher and lighter even when exploring the shadows of the modern American psyche. Mary Bue's 6th studio album is a creative shift from her typical piano-driven singer-songwriting, funded in part by a career development grant from the Arrowhead Regional Arts Council of Minnesota.

The impetus for Holy Bones sprang out nightmares of cleaving a grand piano in half with a table saw. Sassy and full of fire and joy, the songs explore themes like simplicity, following your bliss, mindfulness and love as well as darker shades of human experience - addiction, family dysfunction, mortality and the inhumane treatement of animals. Pop-punk track Cheribum sings of a child angel digging around in the dump for love letters, Veal is sung from the perspective of a calf confined and going to slaughter, to "certainly never jump over the moon." Archaeology is a wistful, country-esque love song about the history told by examining a troubled couple's recycling bin.

Holy Bones is a reflection of the shattered attention spans which swirl in modern American life, the enormous pressure we carry to attain wealth and success, and the ultimate bliss of letting go.

[ Mary Bue ] [ Kyle MacLean ] [ Brett Molitor ] [ Marcus Matthews ] [ Zac Bentz ] [ Heather Millis ] [ Scott Millis ] [ Jake Larson ] [ Zoë LaTour ] [ Crystal Detlefsen ] [ Adam Sippola ] [ Anna Splady ] [ Shawna Weaver ] [ Will Richner ] [ Curren Effinger ] [ Bryn Effinger ]
1 Candy 4:26
2 Cheribum 1:26
3 Holy Bones 2:39
4 Heart's Desire 3:46
5 Put Up 3:18
6 Archaeology 3:35
7 Veal 2:11
8 A Million Moths 3:05