POSTPONED! Stephanie Rearick hosts The Human Show ep. 17 Now Saturday 4.22, 3pm CDT at Cafe CODA!

Uvu News

POSTPONED! Stephanie Rearick hosts The Human Show ep. 17 Now Saturday 4.22, 3pm CDT at Cafe CODA!

It snowed too much here for us to do this show today so we're moving the whole shebang to next month! Sat April 22, 3pm

The Human Show ep. 17: Hope Springs Eternal. Feat. 3 generations of Vedders and 2 musical guests!
Moved to Sat April, 3-4:30pm at Cafe CODA 1224 Williamson St. Madison WI and livestreamed from

Barbara Vedder shares her hopes for the future, including but not limited to her recent 2nd Act on Madison's City Council. Echnaton shares about some innovations toward a care network. And Micah is one of 2 musical guests. showing his amazing drum skills. We'll also hear music from Johan Petty of Def Sonic w Elliot of Earthlings, for our Piano Recital Feature.

In person and live-streamed - but it's more fun if you come in person :)


And mark your calendars for

Friday June 2, 4-6pm at the UW Memorial Union Terrace! Behind the Beat series
I play solo in thies beautiful setting, which was a highlight for me last
summer. I hope you can make it, and let's also hope for beautiful weather!

Hope to see you soon!

take care and happy Spring,
