Music news for next few months - Stephanie solo + Ladyscissors

Uvu News

Music news for next few months - Stephanie solo + Ladyscissors

I know I don't post here all that regularly, but I'm trying to remedy that so people will know where to find information about what I'm doing musically. So here are some upcoming events:

Friday February 27, 9pm at Prop THTR 3502 N. Elston, Chicago
I'm one of many performers doing music by the legendary Beau O'Reilly of Curious Theater, Maestro Subgum and the Whole, the Crooked Mouth, etc. He has tons of great work from a long and stellar career. Plus one brand-new song with lyrics of his that I set to music. Jon Hain and I will play a duo version of that song, "Mac's Place", and the Crooked Mouth will play their own version. It'll be a like a Galapagos experiment in song evolution.

We'll also play Bamboo Guru off Lost Lost Lost, with Bob Jacobson joining on trumpet. Plus more!

Saturday March 14, 8pm at Mother Fool's Coffeehouse 1101 Williamson Madison WI - I play a short solo set, opening for the fantastic Monica Martin of Phox, then Stelth from the Lumineers on solo piano. Excellent show, not to be missed. Arrive early, doors at 7.

Friday March 20, 10pm at Mr. Roberts 2116 Atwood Ave. Madison WI -
Ladyscissors open for Katie Todd band. Another Chicago favorite! Katie is piano-based rock and roll, really fabulous music.

Saturday March 28, 8:30pm at Raymond's Bowl 3960 Johnsburg Rd. in Johnsburg IL - Ladyscissors in Lorrie's hometown!!!!


Late April I play my first show in Vienna Austria, details TBA. I will also be traveling to Rome and possibly Berlin in case you have venue or musician suggestions there.

July I'll be touring the UK with Ladyscissors bandmate Lorrie Hurckes. Playing solo shows, some duo songs and, if someone pays us a lot of money, maybe even Ladyscissors shows. Again, please let us know if you have suggestions for us.

And sometime soon, very soon, I'll officially release 'every thing everything'. Meanwhile I'm working on updating my website which you can check out at
