Deck of Cards Art Project

Deck of Cards Art Project

December 4, 2015


These are sold in sets of two so you get two playable art decks featuring the art of over 70 artists.

"Art disturbs the comfortable and comforts the disturbed." - Cesar A. Cruz

The goal of the Deck of Cards Art Project was to create a deck of cards using original artwork made by artists and non-traditional creators. The inspiration came from rejecting the notion that someone needs a 'license' to practice art or pick up a brush or a pen to make marks on paper.

The card decks are the happy conclusion of the process of more than 80 artists--from all walks of life!--to create two complete decks of cards including Jokers! Many who make their vocation as artists participated in making cards along with public servants, psychologists, entrepreneurs, retirees, elementary students, and sales people!

Some images or designs produce joy in the viewer, but that isn't the essential purpose of this project. The objective is for the artist to feel the joy that making art can elicit and give 'permission' to create art intended for a public audience.

The delight in this project was felt by the participants who reported that they were reawakened or found a new voice in the visual realm. Their work is insightful, witty, and a source of happy surprise.

The result of this collaboration can be enjoyed in the form of an art show and a playable--as well as artful--deck of cards!

The opening reception for the project will be Sunday, December 13, from 7 to 9 pm.

Card decks will be available for purchase in single decks, or a set of two decks. Much of the original art is available for purchase from the artists.

Rebecca Ahl,Nesreen Alsoriami,Kelsey Anderson,Jon Bailiff,Richard Bargdill,Quinn Bargdill,Gina Belton,Cheryor Bliss,Andy Boutelle,Peggy Ellis Brasser,Christine Calderwood,Libby Carlson,Jody Scott Chandler,Rise Christensen,Shari Cnare,Marilyn Cohn,Aisha Louise Coursen,Katie Darling,Christine Onga Kubisiak Dehlinger,Cathy Derezinski,Cheryl DeWelt,L'Aura Di Salvo,Ria Di Salvo,Kathleen LeTendre Duerr,Barb Easton,Rob Fontella,Robin Good,Jon Hain,Kimberly R. S. Han,Karen Happuch,Suzanne Hartman,Kate Heiber-Cobb,Betsy Heimlich & Lyle Rundhaug,Peggy Hope,Rebecca Hudson,Jo Ann Jensen,Joey Johannsen,Ingrid Kallick,Robin Kurzer,Verena Lang,Jim Laugelli,Mary Lynch,Yvette McCue Lyons,Amy Mietzel,Natalia de Souza Mello,Alison Moncrieff,Susan York Morris,Chris Murphy,Jenn Nash,Scott Nyberg,Patrushka,Cynthia Marie Pavelski,David Pedersen,Judy Pettikas-Barnes,Marlene Pohl,Mark Porter,Leah Pritchard (Wolfsbane Elle),Jen Read,Julie Rogers,Meeg Rothstein,Alisa Santiesteban,Simon Schlosser,Art Paul Schlosser,Erica Lynn & Tony Schmidt,Patti Seger,Dan Stafford,Kate Stalker,Jennifer Thompson,Mike Tincher,Monica Urbanik,Pamela Uyeyama,Trish Vernazza,Anne Wanta,Caleb Weisnicht,Ales Wellfast,Lisa Wilbur,David Williams,Khea (Alana) Yashadhana

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