Geoffrey Brady

Geoffrey Brady

Geoffrey Brady has performed in many varied groups over the years: from the manic klezmer-punk band Yid Vicious, to the laundromat-touring prog-rock/jazz collective Yammer, to the hedonistic sonic terrorists The Disposable Art Ensemble, to the straight-laced Madison Symphony Orchestra.

He plays vibraphone, keyboards, theremin, and drumset.



April 14, 2006 - In Stock
"'s Geoffrey's vibraphone playing that impresses most and takes center stage here. While the vibes can sound tinny and bland in less skilled hands, Geoffrey coaxes rich, shimmering, expressive, and complex tones from his instrument aEU" whether in dreamy, mysterious meditations such as "Dollars to Doinas" and "Re-Designed for Further Suffering" or playing restless, angular tunes like "Fly,... [read more]