Beck Inspires New Release from Ritt Deitz, Old-School

Beck Inspires New Release from Ritt Deitz, Old-School

Ritt Deitz E-Mail List
Fri, Dec 7, 2012

Hi Music Fans,

Always suspicious of scenes and hipsters, I was nonetheless intrigued by Beck's new "album"--called SONG READER--because it's really not an album at all. It's a collection of new songs he has released as sheet music only.

I did my own little hillbilly version of this, this morning on my blog, The How-To Humanist. Feel free to read about how Beck unwittingly inspired me to go all 1904 on you:

Feel free to leave comments or, better yet, to try out my new little song, record a version of it, stick that puppy up on YouTube, and let us know it's there. It's called, "Whippersnappers," and I hope you enjoy it.

You will, because it will likely be you singing it.

More music soon,